every time i browse someone's personal website, i'm so struck by the ingenuity of their design, often jealous that my site will never look that good. this is not really for a lack of skill — i was forged in the fires of custom gaia profile layouts, and then livejournal, then tumblr... i know my way around web design. but, quite simply, i know i have trouble sticking to an aesthetic. i recently told someone that the reason i'll never get a tattoo is because i'm too capricious about my personal aesthetic, and i need the total freedom to change up my entire style every few years or i'll go insane. obviously it's easy enough to edit a webpage, but i don't want to spend too much time on constantly editing the layout — i'd rather just have fun with the content. so i need an aesthetic that i won't tire of, and the easiest way to do that is to keep it minimal. it doesn't look flashy, but it can withstand my fickle tastes. and it's flexible, so that i can make little tweaks without having to rebuild from the ground up every time.

of all the aesthetics i like, i always return to midcentury modernism. i'm also really into 70s interior design right now. midcentury is capable of supporting eclecticism on a simple backdrop, and that's how i want my site to feel: a blank slate that's capable of holding a maze of weirdness within.

(relationship to oldweb: times new roman)